ME Calendar Events

Add Event

Log into WordPress with your credentials and navigate to M.E. Calendar > Add Event menu via the WordPress Dashboard.

Event Details

The most common the details of creating an event via MEC WordPress plugin has been explained in the following instruction. You can find more detail on Webnus’ website.

Date and Time

Set the date and time of your event. You can set up your event during the whole day and without a specific time, or you can hide the end time from a single events page; or both the start and end time.

Event Repeating

You can set Repeating and Ends Repeat for your events here as well. In the Repeats field, specify the type of repetition for the event, and then in the Repeat Interval field, you can specify the interval between repetitions. For example, if you set Repeats to Weekly and Repeat Interval to 3, the event will repeat every three weeks.

The “Advanced” repeat option allows you to specify if your event repeats on the first Monday of each month, for example. We use this option often for municipality meetings with a set meeting schedule.

advanced option in ME calendar

In the Ends Repeat section, the Never option does not specify an end date for the event, and the event is constantly repeated. In the On option, you can specify a specific date for the end of the event, and in the After option, you can specify that the end of the event is after several repetitions.

Exceptional Days can be used if you have a repeating event and need to cancel only one occurrence.

When you want to add an exceptional day to a repeating event, you don’t look for the exact date on which the event falls. You look for the date on which the event STARTED. This trips up many of our clients. We get, “I can’t find the date!” quite often. Remember: it’s the date the event STARTS.

Also, if you don’t want all the occurrences of the event shown on the shortcodes, enable the “Show only one occurrence of this event” option so that only the first occurrence of the event is displayed on the shortcodes.

In the “Custom Days” option, the repetitions of the event do not have a specific pattern, and you specify the days and hours of the occurrences. In fact, in this option, you are free to choose the date of the occurrences of the event and there is no limit.

Custom repeat in ME calendar

Click here to read more about event repeating and date & time settings in Modern Events Calendar.


You can specify the venue, plus the name of the place, address, coordinates, etc. We recommend doing this even for council meetings that occur at the same place each month. It is helpful for new residents and shows right on the event’s page.

ME Calendar Events -


Here, you can add external links and More info links to your event so that when your users click on them, they’ll be directed to another page with extra information on the event. For municipalities, you can link to your minutes / agendas page to make finding the meeting’s agenda or minutes easy.

Note: We do not recommend linking to a specific agenda. If you have a repeating event, it will mean you have to update the event each month. It’s smarter to link to a page that is updated automatically using Functional Gov.


Add your organizer here. You can then fill the form with the information of your organizer. This information includes name, phone number, email address, and website or link.

Featured Image

You can add a featured image if you’d like. This can be useful depending on the way the calendar is displaying events on your site.

ME Calendar Events -


You can set the category in which the event falls. This can be useful if you are using categories to display only certain events on certain pages.

ME Calendar Events -


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