Migrating Site From Staging to Live

While we will typically handle migrating a site from Staging to Live for you as part of the project, you may want to take matters into your hands and migrate it on your own. The process itself varies from site to site but there are a number of easy to use services and WordPress plugins that can be used to help with the process. Below are just a select list of popular plugins to do the job.

Just keep in mind this is just a list of options alternative options, you can always have us migrate the site live for you to keep everything moving along smoothly for your redesign or new website. If you have any other questions just let us know by contacting us at support@coursevector.com.

Updraft Plus

A well known plugin is Updraft Plus which provides a helpful tutorial on how to migrate sites using their plugin. Follow along with their tutorial to migrate a site using this plugin: https://updraftplus.com/faqs/how-do-i-migrate-to-a-new-site-location/ If you are a managed hosting client, you can request an Updraft license from us by opening a general support request. Just let us know in the comment section that you are requesting our Updraft license to take your staging site live.


BlogVault is another well known plugin and one used by LiquidWeb and Nexcess to migrate their customers over to their services. While Nexcess does have their own dedicated plugin, the general use plugin is also available. If you would like to use this plugin please follow their tutorial located at https://blogvault.net/how-to-migrate-wordpress-site/ .


BackupBuddy is our final plugin in this list but no means any less effective than the other two. To go ahead and migrate a site using this plugin please follow their support tutorial which goes step by step through the process: https://help.ithemes.com/hc/en-us/articles/211123757-Migrating-a-Site


WordPress also has some instructions on how to do the process manually without any paid plugins. You can view their instructions here: https://wordpress.org/support/article/moving-wordpress/

Deleting a Staging Site

If you have access to your own server, feel free to delete your own staging site when you are ready. Leaving multiple websites with public access could pose a security risk and is not recommended. We recommend deleting staging sites when you’re finished with them.

If you would like CourseVector to delete your staging site once it’s been migrated, fill out a support request for us to do so. If this was not a part of a pre-negotiated contract you may incur charges.


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