MXroute Email Service

DNS Settings

If you have elected to utilize MXroute for your email services and we are managing your domain and/or DNS (we manage your DNS if you pointed your domain to us via Nameservers) we will be able to assist you with adding the records to your DNS that are required by MXroute. Follow the instructions below to send us the information we need to adjust your DNS for your MXroute email service.

DNS Information Instructions

Note: Steps 5-7 are optional but highly recommended to help prevent emails you send from being marked as spam.

  1. In your email to us, please include your DKIM information. You can obtain this by logging into your control panel login URL. This login information is found in the “[MXroute] Important Account Information” email under “Login Info”.
  2. Once logged in, navigate to “Account Manager” (left column) and then “DKIM Keys”.
  3. There will be a “x._domainkey” record. The DKIM information we need will be found in the Value column of this row (see image below). Copy/paste the Value column only and include this information in the email you have started to compose.
MXroute Email Service -


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