We found your parcel.

This scam is listed in our Is It A Scam article, which provides a running list of scams that you may encounter in email, text messages, and online. However, because of the COVID-19 pandemic so many people are sitting at home waiting for packages to arrive. We thought this one should have a post of its own.

Don’t reply to or click on links from someone claiming to have your missing package.

Scammers have been sending emails and text messages claiming to have found a parcel from a month or more ago. The link in the message takes you to a site to steal money, your identity, or both.

If you are missing a package, please do not reply to or click on links within these messages. Instead, reach out to the seller or the service the seller used to ship the item. It is also important to remember that most of the big-name shippers (like UPS) do not require personal information to receive packages.


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