Why is my site losing ranking?

Why is my site losing ranking? -

It is very important to remember that SEO, or search engine optimization, on a website is not a once-and-done task. It requires diligence and updates to maintain high rankings. Even the best websites experience some dips in rank from time to time. Here are four reasons that even well SEOed websites can lose rankings.

Ranking are temporary

Just because a website performs well in search results for any given period of time, does not guarantee continued success. SEO is not a once-and-done achievement. It requires constant work to maintain rankings.

If your site has never ranked well even if you are keeping the content fresh, it could be technical issues blocking it from search engine crawlers.

The internet changes often

One cannot assume that they are the only company striving for the top spot in search results. Competitor sites change. New competition emerges all the time. Bank links, and the sites that provide them, change. All of these factors can affect your site’s rank.

If you find yourself in a newly competitive market, there are a few ways to compete.

Algorithms are ever changing

Search engines are constantly tweaking how they view web pages. This can cause dramatic fluctuations in site rankings from time to time.

If you need evidence of this, take a look at Moz’s Google algorithm tracking page.

People are fickle

The way people search for information changes. Search queries change, and websites must change with them to see continued success in search results pages. It is important to stay on top of user trends to avoid a long, slow decline in rank.

The most successful websites have something in common:

They are constantly adjusted for maximum Search Engine Optimization (SEO).  The best way to keep up with SEO changes is to partner with a good marketing company.


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